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Vlog #60 - Hello Deer

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-09-25.



Oh hey, door-delivered dinner. Also, hey Toast! =D

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

I am not out to be a dick but for me thoes deer looked some what dead to me. Usely they move thier nose or ear or something.


Depending on the status of freezer inventory..., yeah, I'd get on the roof just to make sure I wasn't shooting into the neighbor's yard. The thought of some well seasoned venison, maybe with some mint jelly to dip it in with some twice baked potatoes and asparagus on the side would definitely convince me to get my gun. Toast, it is good to see you in good spirits.


In Nevada we get wild horses.


I bet those deer would love it if you brought them a sandwich or something. The deer around me are so skittish I can't get within 200 yards of them. Give Toast a hug from all of us!


Deer around here give no fucks. Neither do bears or panthers or elk or mountain lions. My town is kind of in the middle of some serious wilderness.