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Bird Bawks #2 Youtube Policy

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-09-08.


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

If now youtube change to so bad place why not change to a place that allow freedom of speek? Why continue with youtube?


I guess the simple answer is that Youtube is the best and easiest site to put video content on. However, there's no need to worry. You can SAY whatever you want on Youtube. They won't remove the video. They only demonetize it. But I'm getting support from YOU, so I don't need Youtube's ugly money. I'll still always speak my mind. :)

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Acctual you gave me the answer i was woundering over "youtube is the best". I have woundered why noone changed from youtube when they update the terms.


Im guessing money is involved somewhere in here...


And on the protesting the flag part, Im getting the impression that he is not protesting the flag or showing hate of white people, but rather refusing to pretend that everything is hunky dory by standing up and more or less pledge undying loyalty and love to a country that still does not treat people equaly, in this case blacks. Even though its much better now compared to before, there is still a way to go. I see his protest as a way to try to make people think that equality is 100% complete, lets not do anything more about it.


Well, it IS a businness after all, so I guess we shouldnt be too surprised


Perhaps I'm over-focusing here, but I'm certain that the US was not the first country to abolish slavery. The 13th amendment to the Constitution was not ratified until 1865, while England enacted the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833 and France abolished slave trading in 1818 after the Napoleonic wars. The US has had a sad history of being behind the times compared to Europe on several social issues. That being said, I don't understand the message of not standing for the flag, as I see a flag as intended to serve as a symbol of a nation as a whole and the ideas it claims to espouse, whether or not that nation does so in practice. I suspect we would be better served in reminding ourselves that we were not historically the first to promote equality in the world and we still need to rise above the traditions and prejudices of old to live up to the lofty ideals that we claim to believe in through acts of unity and solidarity, rather than further divisiveness and shame.


I try to be as accurate as possible when I talk about things like this, so I guess the devil is in the details. What I said was that the US was the first *entire* country to *completely illegalize* slavery. And as far as I can see in my research, that's true. There were other countries in earlier times where part of a country banned slavery or whole countries put partial bans on the slave trade business, but as far as I can see, the US was the first whole country to make it completely illegal.


As you said, the devil is in the details. It is a complicated issue with an interesting, obscure and convoluted history world-wide. As I am rather unfamiliar with the details of foreign laws, I would need to do more research on the subject to understand the depth and breadth of such laws. The specter of slavery and racial hatred haunts this nation like liquor does a recovering alcoholic. I would only hope that both sides can work to overcome those problems, despite the temptations and prodding of those in search of short term gain at the expense of others.