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Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

I have ADD and AS and I am not a victim. I just Think diffrent so what? Beside geting the diagnoses and what they ment have helpt me be able to get everyday life working. Get my Strattera has helpt me be able to Works and consetrate so no bad word about us, thx and I do not need be cured becourse without Autism and ADHD we would still be in a tree in Africa.

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

I will give you (and other) tips on books to read about AS and ADHD what tells alot of what it is about and why it isn't a desis. Both books are written by Kathy Hoopmann and are titled: All dogs have ADHD and All cats have Asperger syndrome.


At some point in history, it seems that people stopped having "personalities" and started having "disorders". In my day, being reclusive, not focusing on boring things and hating loud noises weren't a "sickness"... they were just who you were.

Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

I give you that. Nowadays people aren't persons. BUT for me and most with AS/Autism diagnostics explain HOW you are and WHY you function the way you do. For be able to get AS you need to forfill creteria as DSM 5 tell if you don't well then you don't have. If someone says "becurse of that i hate loud noice i have..." Well then i say "go get proper diagnostic and we can talk". BUT if you have AS from proper diagnostic it explain why you hate loud noices. Beside in DSM 5 noone is free from "sickness". The amount of people that are "normal" is only 5 % according to DSM 5. This we figured out when the was about to write DSM5. And yes my AS and ADHD is forfilled in DSM 5 so it is done propper way by proffesionals here in Sweden. So inconclude AS diagnose help you get explenation why you work the way you do but you are not AS. However a part of you is AS.