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Vlog #55 - Best Equipment Ever

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-08-05.



100% agree with you, there is a point where it's too damn hot.


Thankfully, not anymore. As small and adorable as that AC unit is, it only takes about 15 minutes to chill this room to the bone, even when it's hot outside.


One reason we tend not to use them in Europe is because of price, and it's not usually hot long enough to justify it. In the UK we get 1-2 weeks of uncomfortable heat a year, so a lot of us make due with fans. I see you have many fans. Will your AC replace your fans? D:


In the US (at least the part of it I live in), it lasts for about 3 months. And I should have done a temperature conversion for you guys in Europe. 90F is around 35C. So, if you can imagine living and working in a room at 35C for 3 months.... yeah, we need our AC over here. And yes, by the way, the unit will replace the fans. It has a fan only function where it simply blows in air from the outside. I use this at night when it's cooler.


The explanation of heat sapping the energy right out of you makes perfect sense. A great example is fursuiters: those who have ice packs or EZ Cooldown vests have a lot more energy and can go suiting much longer than those without.