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Vlog #54 - I Have Concerns

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-07-28.



2, brother, I will stand up for you. I've been a fan of yours for over 10 years, and I will not stand idly by as our right to free speech is stripped piece by piece by those who dare to demand safe spaces and freedoms while severely curtailing the rights of others. When the time comes, there will be a reckoning; just know that you have people who support you every step of the way.


I'm with you. I am not as open as you, nor do we always see eye to eye. that being said I have been following you since before 2 Sense and always appreciated how much you do. there are options outside of the norm, and if necessary we can make some.


I hope so. If this does happen, even at its worst, I WILL find a way to get the message out there. And it will be the most hell I've ever rained down.


Well, I can't say I have enough insight to know or say too much about the current situation of things but do know that regardless what happens; Be it a hoax or a real thing that's about to happen - you can count on my support as well!


2, what you're talking about here is nothing shy of absolutely frightening to me. I may not agree with what every person on the internet has to say, but unless they are making plans to actively hurt people physically, I fully support their right to say it (and my right to ignore them). I'm prepared to completely drop all Google services if they are prepared to silence the voices of the people unnecessarily. You may also be interested to know that Twitch has been talking about introducing direct video uploads in order to compete with Youtube. It may not be quite as great of a platform, but it could at least give you a place to go if you have to drop Youtube.


Wow... just wow... what the entire fuck... Should we just like, abandon the US and bail already? 'cause that there isn't freedom of speech, that's oppression, and turning into a totalitarian state... that's not cool like, at all. makes me glad I live so close to the US/Canadian border, moving wouldn't be very hard or expensive for me compared to someone living in say, Florida. Maybe you really should run for President 2, I'd sure as hell vote for ya, hell I might even write your name in even if you don't run

Crimson Fhang

I always figured SJW actually stood for "stupid jerk wads" this video backs that up. I don't want to start political flame wars, but, in my 36 years I have noticed a trend. Every time a liberal has power in our political system more of our liberties are put on the chopping block. Now it seems that they may finally succeeded in completely dismantleing our freedom of speech. This sickens me for 2 reasons. 1, I enjoy speaking my mind, and 2, I spent 13 years in the Army defending people's rights only to watch them be stripped from the very people I was defending all those years.


I can't see it happening because if they start shutting down peoples' channels for merely stating their own opinions that criticize or differ from that of SJWs or especially politicians, there will be mass protests and a mass exodus of people away from Youtube who will not put up with the bullshit of being unable to state their opinions freely. While Google is a privately owned (yet publicly traded) corporation and they can set whatever user policies they want, they are also reliant on their user base to generate money for them. There are other video content providers/hosts and other search engine sites to use, and if Google bends over backwards to kiss the ass of a few very vocal whiny assholes who demand everybody agree with everything they say, it's Google that will suffer. And if the US does start shutting down our core rights...well, I've heard very nice things about Canada. And Germany, that sounds like a nice place to live.


It's unfortunate that there isn't really a free and equal alternative for YouTube. If it comes down to the point where channels are getting shut down left and right, I think our community here has the connections to put together some kind of independent video hosting site.


So wait... They wanna more or less remove freedom of speech? If this is happening, I find it amusing considering your political leaders love of screaming "Freedom!" Usualy I say that US politics is my favorite reality-show, but you're one of my favorite channels to watch that on D= One glimmer of hope though; one of the biggest "perpetrators" if you will, on youtube is a channel called The Young Turks. They are at such a level that if they are removed, at least it wont go down quiet. Looking forward to more material from you either way! ^^


It makes me sick to think the people who claim to campaign for freedom try to restrict speech. They are cowards just like the sjw's , i say if youtube dose this abandon it. Something better will come up.


It makes me sick to think that you're fighting for that freedom that could be taken away from you and me.


2, I am also seeing these patterns and it is alarming - free speech has been one of America's biggest thing. It's one thing when people just on YouTube spews BS, but while we are troubled with who is going to be president, I will fight for free speech to the last day off my human limits. I hope it will 'just pass', but it's better to be safe than sorry. -Fox


The mobs that push for these kinds of policies never once think of how they can be used against them. If this goes down, hopefully it will cause a massive exodus from youtube. Surely there are other platforms, like Vessel (though I don't know what their policies are), and there would definitely be someone big willing to take the slice of pie that google is so eagerly tossing away. We must spread the word of the censorship, and how restricted speech anywhere affects speech everywhere! I AM SPARTACUS!


There has never been a time in history when trying to silence voices didn't make them louder. This will happen again if Google tries it.