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The Boss Show - July 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-07-26.



yes, there is a lot less of the blur for me in the diffence. think just for a test you would try a 4k video just for the giggles


Talking about social issues would be very welcome. Maybe even have debates/responses to other Youtubers? Black Pigeon Speaks or Stefan Molenuex come to mind. Gaming troop sounds epic. Heck, you could maybe live-stream the games on Twitch or Furstream, too. Maybe an idea for a show /segment would be to have an 'old bird moment' mini-history lesson; help us younger folk understand how ideas and social constructs may have changed over the last 30 years. E.g: Back in my day, people had to go outside and play with other kids, without even arranging a playdate first. Then explain how letting your kids run around the neighbourhood didn't get them all abducted or killed. (A fear I really don't understand in safer places like the UK).


Remember 2, Unicorns exist! They're just grey, and fat, and we call them Rhinos ^^


Well, the GPU can definitely do it. But my video editor would probably go, "What the fuck is THAT???" :)


I do find that fear a little strange. According to actual data, kids are MUCH less likely to be abducted or killed now than they were then! That's something I could definitely talk about.


Being that I live in Germany? I'm not afraid. Though I know a asston of people who are.

Crimson Fhang

One idea and I'm not sure how popular they were when you first put them out. I would really enjoy more LSD type stories. I downloaded them from your website years ago and I still find myself going back to listen to them from time to time. And now I want to be able to afford a $100 spot so I can get you down to MegaPlex 😁


I really like the idea of picking up the LSD files again. You know, those were supposed to eventually tell a whole story arc.


Meh, it's alright! Shit happens and we make the best of it. It's certainly not like there was a lack of things to do at AC :D


About the graphics quality of the games, they look great on my screen. I download in HD, which for youtube is 720 so it doesn't take full advantage of my 1080 monitor, but it does look awesome. I've been loving your plays through Doom, Bioshock, and Inside, all of which I've been downloading in HD because they look so good (haven't started watching the Outlast series yet). That gaming troupe is a great lineup! It's funny to think about...back at Anthrocon 2008, my first con, when my friend Chubbs and I were sitting somewhere between mile markers 2 and 3 of the registration line, you walked by and we recognized you from your youtube videos. "Hey look! It's 2 the Ranting Gryphon!," we whispered to each other, as if some huge Hollywood celebrity had just gone by. Now through meeting you at cons a few times, hanging out at the secret shows, watching your videos, and interacting through comments like these, you're not just some unreachable celebrity but more have become like a friend who's good for a hug when meeting up somewhere. That's pretty awesome!


I'm glad to hear it! I don't want people to think I'm just an unreachable person. Unfortunately, there's no way I can spend time with everyone who wants me to, which bums me out quite a bit. Hey, your friend Chubbs... he doesn't happen to be a horse, does he?