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People have told me to do it enough, so now I'm going to. Do you like my videos? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon The Check Your Privilege quiz: https://www.buzzfeed.com/regajha/how-privileged-are-you?utm_term=.dw4LYy1VX#.ay3aX6ERp



Thats awesome. Reminds me of your normal rant videos but they provide everything for you ro rant about. Very nice sir.


This definitely was entertaining. Bit of a different video indeed but entertaining in a similar manner as your regular rants!


oh god. i cant breath. im laughing so hard. thank you for doing this just for the comedy aspect


Didnt completely disagree with everything you said, but it would probably be a point of worry if I did agree with everything you say :p Either way I found this highly entertaining, and GOD DAMNIT you made me stay up way past bedtime again! X3


Oh! I have a social disability! I'm an asshole! (On a less sarcastic tone, this was fucking hilarious- you just made my day, again)


"I have never felt poor" FELT? What the fuck kind of question is that? I've been homeless, and I didn't FEEL poor. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, moping and wasting time, I looked to the bright side and got shit done. There is a lot to be said for stoicism, and people grow to be very strong when they endure some of life's bullshit. FUCK that quiz and all the victimhood out there today. You could be one of the best fags ever, 2, now eat a shawarma already ;3 Edit: I found the "E"


Yeah, I'm trying to get a little more experience with this kind of catalyst-based ranting so I can talk about news stories more frequently in videos.


Sorry for keeping you up! :) I'm glad you liked it and yes, people who agree with *everything* I say worry me a little. :)


You have to think about it from the point of the SJW mind. Everything is about their feelings. So apparently if you've never "felt" poor... I guess that's a privilege point? What about the people who "feel" poor even when they're making 100K a year?


That was pretty awesome! Many of those questions make no sense, as in they're so obscure they're ridiculous, or they apply to almost nobody, or they apply to everybody. Just because I'm a pasty white guy who's content with what I have between my legs doesn't make me privileged, and just because someone else is different from that doesn't automatically mean they're any less privileged. For example, the SJW protest at the University of Missouri was led by a black student whose parents are worth $20 million, crying racism and white privilege. I work a good job but I ate ramen noodles for dinner because money's tight, and I have to work for everything I get. It isn't just handed to me because I have a honky penis. It seems more like those adult babies who pull the "check your privilege" card want everything to be handed to them with no actual effort on their part because apparently they equate effort, work, and learning how to deal with the world to oppression. And does my gastroesophageal reflux disease count as an eating disorder?


Dude, it'll pass. This is a phase of society, like many others. In 5 years' time, we'll be saying, "Hey... remember the whole SJW thing? What happened to that?" I guarantee. :)


I scored the same as you 2. 11