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Vlog #52 - AnthroCon 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-07-10.



This vlog is such a cool and casual insight to the fun you had over the weekend and w/featherhoof. Awesome vid! That noise at the hotel is fucking god-awful. PS. That grilled food looked so damn good.


We should do what we did at the Anthrocon hangout over something like Google hangouts on a semi-regular basis.


Great vlog! I'm glad you had such a good time with the patreon meet-up. That does suck about the foot flareup, but good to hear it only lasted for a day. Hey 2, do you plan to be at MFF this year?


Yeah, they were doing construction or something in the room next door, I think. Whatever it was, it went on all day and it was loud!


The Patreon meetup was awesome! It was great to meet and chat with everyone, and I hope everyone made it home safe.


It was so great talking with you all! I'm sorry I kept you so late, but I just didn't want to stop hanging out! :)


Huh...Im usualy the one DOING the construction work. So thats what its like for the neighbours...I feel kinda bad now...


You need to go into the disintegrating walkway business. I hear it's quite popular right now! :)


Wish i could've made it, but my leave was denied


Awesome 2 ^_^ ! You are looking must better in this vlog, good to see you what seems look healthier ^_^


Oh man, the was a great time! I'm really glad I got to meet you, and my mate is STILL squeeing over the voice message you left him. XD