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Hey guys, just wanted to give you and update here...

AnthroCon is coming around! Yes, that joyous time of year where we all return to furry Mecca. That place where we get together and, well... do the same things we always do, just in Pittsburgh by the thousands! At least... SOME of us go there. And I have some info for those of you who will both be going there and who won't.

First of all, I'm going to be gone for about a week and a half. I'll be spending some time with Featherhoof since he's out that way. (There will probably be interesting videos from that.) There should be no interruption in the video releases. This means that I've had to schedule them for release and unfortunately, when a video on Youtube is scheduled, it means that no one can view it but the owner of the channel. Not to mention that I have no idea what kind of internet connectivity I'll have. So, for the time that I'm gone, there will be no previews of upcoming videos. I am terribly sorry about that, but right now, I can't see any way around it.

Obviously, everything will return to normal when I come back. So, I do apologize for the lack of previews and the lack of interaction here on Patreon and on Youtube while I'm away.

Secondly, for those of you who are going to AnthroCon, there will be a Patreon meetup with me! Since about 10 of you have said that you'd want to come, I'll be making out about 25 invitations and once they're gone, they're gone.  My room won't hold much more than that. :) 

I'm really excited to meet you guys in person and for you to meet each other! You'll be amazed and how awesome you all are! So, to get your invitation to the meetup, go into the glass tunnel that goes over the road and connects the Westin Hotel with the convention center at 1:00pm on Saturday. Even if you're new and have never been there before, the tunnel is no problem to find. I'll be there hanging out. Just come up to me and say, "Sup!" mention that you're a patron and I'll give you an invitation. The meetup with probably be a little later in the evening on Saturday at the Doubletree.

I hope to come back with some interesting vlogs and videos. And if I have a good enough internet connection, I might even be able to do vlogs from the con! Either way, for those of you who're going, I'll see you soon! And for those of you who're not, I'll be back soon! 

As always, that you all so much for your support. I couldn't do this without you.

-- 2 Gryphon



Ruh roh, I'll probably be stuck behind a dealer table at 1pm... Any other way to come hang out?


I'm looking forward to getting a chance to hang out with you!


Hope to see ya soon!


Wish I could be there and have all the funs! Very jealous of those going; have fun all of you!


That time is right at the start of the fursuit parade. I hope you'll be hanging out there for quite some time because I'll be set up with my cameras along the parade route, and as you know it takes the better part of a month for the parade to go by. Any chance of finding you earlier or later for the invitation?


Earlier runs the risk that people won't be awake and active yet. Later would be too close to the meeting time to really be much of an invitation instead of a "get there now" kind of thing. I just hope that whoever wants to go to the meetup can pull themselves away from what they're doing for a few minutes to come pick up their invitation. I'd really like to meet you guys.