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Vlog #51- Back Sprained but Still Happy

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-06-25.



I'd say driver CD's are usually quite outdated so fairly glad to see that they don't waste CD's for that anymore. Going to the website to download them ensures you'll get the most recent version!


I see you got your new clergy-outfit! I sprained my lower back once, I dont envy you. Thats some crippling pain >


Well, my new motherboard had one. What about the people who want a nice computer but don't have a good internet connection?


Have I missed the announcement of when/where to meet you at AC? Or have you not posted it yet?


MMMMmmm, that new PC hardware smell! Nice shirt!


Silly Gryphon. This is 2016, you get drivers from da interwebs these days.


I guess I was just thinking of people who have crappy or no internet connection. It would suck to find out that you couldn't install your new graphics card after you opened the box.


im sure you've sorted this by now. if you have the geforce experience software that Should take care of it. and for those who don't have an internet connection. im not sure, i know 3rd party OEM's sometimes include a disc with the driver and there flafvor of overclockign stuff.