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Just the death and destruction I need to brighten my day! Enjoying the content? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



2:58 His people needed him. The videos are always awesome, 2! Getting to sort of experience these games at the same time reminds me of chilling on the couch. It's like having some insane, rambling avatar that plays games so I don't have to.


Every time I watch these Doom videos during dinner, my food gets cold because I can't eat because I spend the whole time watching. This was awesome! Ahhh...so much gore.


Every time I watch these Doom videos during dinner, my food gets cold because I can't eat because I spend the whole time watching. This was awesome! Ahhh...so much gore.


I'm glad you get so much enjoyment from us watching your videos. I for one get a great deal of enjoyment watching them. If we lived near each other I have to wonder how you'd do playing Wipeout XL head to head on two linked Playstations. Actually, if you have the equipment for that setup, that might be a great Retromania for you and DJ Ear. (And apologies for the previous double post. I double-tapped the enter key and it posted twice.)