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The Boss Show - June 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-06-17.



Hmm, can't say for everyone else but I've got a pretty good internet connection so the server idea should be quite feasible. Potentially you could organize it in multiple files in a way to reduce the total size? The weekly idea could be one way, alternatively sorting by episode and maybe even separating it per episode so that those who want to download just a single episode could do that? Perhaps put a password on it if possible to ensure, if it's a simple public link, that only us actual patrons are able to access it.


On Amazon I found a bundle of 10 16gb drives for 33 dollars, don't know if they'd do the job? Also, maybe if you put your LPs elsewhere, as they are the biggest files, then you could squeeze everything else on. As for our interaction on the boss show, maybe something like that match-word-game you had on the ol' 2 sense show. E.g "I feel so great today, I think I could (blank)!" Keep up your awesomeness, let us know about auditions for 2 sense host, and for segment tryouts!


160GB wouldn't even get me half the way there. And honestly, who wants to be shipped 25 thumb drives? That would be more of a pain in the ass than downloading it. :) I like the Match Game idea. I think I'll try that in the next show!


Perhaps instead of a single file that contains everything, I could just give access to an archive of every video to download whatever you want. Like you said, I could organize them into folders and then you guys could just take what you wanted!


I know personally I'm most interested in being able to hang onto your rants and live shows. A lot of the videos taken that're on Youtube aren't particularly good quality, and I love re-watching many of them, and even showing them to others to give them some good laughs, though I don't know if the $22.22 tier even includes some of your live stuff like those, but if it does that's what I personally am most interested in, if I had to just be limited in what I chose due to issues with sending the data out. that's what I'd chose myself.


The server idea is pretty solid - you could also upload the files individually, and then we can just download at our own pace. Either that or the single-file-per-week system sounds like the ticket.


i think the server idea is good so ppl cna choose what they want to download and not and when to do it cheap and easy


perhaps when you have the time, some multiplayer games with us, eiother flash games or other ones people have


FreeNAS software works well for a server. and you can openly share it. also people can stream the files instead of downloading them. it also means you can backup the content


Each month how large will the file be? SD Cards may be a good idea. You can get 128Gig cards for about $40. I think this maybe a good idea. An SD card can be taped to a sheet of paper and mailed for only 1 stamp. After I download the files from the SD card it can be mailed back to you to refill with new files and mails out once again. This can save some money for you. Please let me know what you think of this idea.


This is not the first time I have heard about scams available via Amazon. Just because something is on Amazon does not mean you can trust it. Caveat emptor.


Well, my thought right now is to simply make available to the $22.22 patrons a continual archive of every video that I make, on a server in high quality. No bundled files. Just everything that I make in individual downloads.


I agree. A server with an actual downloadable file for every video seems like the best way to go.


That's actually a pretty fresh idea. I'll bring that up and see what the others think of it.


Well, in that case it would be a $2500 cost and it would depend on mailing things back and forth, which I don't believe the patrons should have to go through that kind of trouble to get the content. You're already supporting me, you shouldn't have to mail things back and forth.


Yeah, I've learned that one at this point. Most of the patrons are liking the idea of a server, but I know you specifically would have to be downloading for a very long time. I want to find a good solution for those who have slow downloads as well.


What about burning DVDs? What kind of capacity do they have?


DVDs have a capacity of 4.7 gigs. To get all the videos I'm done in the last six months on a collection, you'd receive approximately 77 DVDs.


I am in agreement with the server idea as well, I mean the only other option I could think of would be either a external hard drive, which are expensive so I don't think that is very feasible, or finding some way to compress the files without loosing quality. As for Anthrocon, we are in the deserts of California, and we weren't able to get the airfare or anything this year so you can at least mark one name off your list. And finally on the topic of last month trying to attack you and everything, no worries, you were a constant relief after college tried to kill me this last semester, as long as you take care of yourself and the things that affect your life so we can keep you in ours that what matters to me. I am a physics major so I know that chaos and entropy are always going to be a part of our lives, it's just finding ways to handle it when it takes place. See you on the next video.


That's the bad news? Bird, no big deal! In all reality, everything you've made for us so far is up on your youtube channel, with 720p available for most if not all, and the patron-only videos can be accessed through here. The 720 videos look great on my 1080 monitor, so I certainly don't miss having full HD. The server option could work. Just for shits I looked up the price of hard drives in the 160-500GB range, and depending on how much data you actually have to send to people, that might possibly be doable price-wise. Of course, it would be a pain in the ass without a hot-swapping option for going from one drive to the next for copying stuff.


Here's a suggestion for the show, whether it's a part of the boss show, Beercast, the revived 2 Sense, or a show all of its own. Since you've described yourself as a bit of a food connoisseur, have a segment called "How do you know it's not delicious?" where people send in suggestions of unlikely food combinations to try (within reason...hard to get yak testicle and and octopus suction cup at the local store) and you try them with a report on whether or not it's delicious. For example, Oreos with barbecue sauce on them (my report: tastes good going down, funky aftertaste). It's an idea for a show I've had for years but I can't do it because I have a face for radio and a voice for silent films.