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Vlog #49 - Back on Track

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-06-15.



Sounds good 2! Curious what these bad news happen to be though... :o


The one thing I hope you are doing 2 is making sure you have a dedicated 'non-work' day. As a work-at-home person as well I find it is critical to have definitive 'timeoff'. I'm glad that you can talk with Toast now; fingers crossed his situation will get sorted out soon. One day hopefully I'll catch you at a con; if I do I'm sure to buy you a drink or at least give you a hug and say 'Thank you' for just being you. Hope we can sort out whatever the problem you are having too.


Well, truth be told, there will be no happy ending for Toast. He's going to be in prison for at least years. But, as hard as it is, life has to continue. And we always have to find the best things in it and concentrate on that.


If only I had gotten here sooner I was hoping that I was able to have snagged a slot at the 50 dollar level. LOL. Anyway, it is great to see you back playing games and things and that we as the patrons can make that possible. PS. my mate and I found shwarma and were trying to figure out a way to send it to you


In response to what you replied to TheSnowedOne there, that's total bullshit that Toast would spend years in prison for downloading something that he didn't even know what he was downloading, and then deleting it years ago but the bits just happened to still exist on the hard drive. Is he getting railroaded by the court or what?


It's the American legal system. It has boned thousands of people. Just be careful in your life.


If you sent a shawarma in the mail, it probably wouldn't be too good by the time it got here.


perhaps using some of the stuff from your early days of standup, see how the new audeance responds?