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Vlog #47 - Stormy Update

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-06-08.



damn dude that is some darkness. I would love to live there though


This is the most beautiful place I've ever lived in my life. You should visit sometime!


if you have a place for me to sleep sure. That would be fun


Glad that Toast is on his way back out, and you DID manage to turn the computer situation around in record time. It was pretty impressive. That storm looks BEAUTIFUL! The kind of storm songs are made of! I've always wanted to visit Colorado, but never really had the option. Any areas you would suggest?


Great to see everything is turning around for the best


That was kinda weird: Rain, Storms, Wind, and then suddenly you hear "The Easy Winners" by Scott Joplin driving by. As far as the equipment thing, If you ever need more equipment I'd be happy to help, even if it's just getting a good power strip from Monster or something like that. BTW, If you decide to get a power strip to sort of ease worries about storms, get a Monster. They have warranties for plugged equipment on all their power strips, normally somewhere between $250,000 and $500,00 depending on the power strip.


Awesome storm clouds! Reminds me of that storm that rolled through during your rant at AC 2009 that was shaking the house with thunder. Has Toast's company saved his job for him while he's been away for so long and considering the charges he's facing? Hopefully he isn't going to have to rebuild his life and career from scratch. And I hope he has a good attorney to help beat all this crap.


Awesome storm clouds! Reminds me of that storm that rolled through during your rant at AC 2009 that was shaking the house with thunder. Has Toast's company saved his job for him while he's been away for so long and considering the charges he's facing? Hopefully he isn't going to have to rebuild his life and career from scratch. And I hope he has a good attorney to help beat all this crap.


I'm not sure about his job, but I know that there's a chance he could keep it. I hope he does.


"I didn't put spinny rims on it or anything" damn near had me on the floor laughing. I know people who've wasted so much money on dumb shit like that.


Oh, me too. And just for the "bling". Which is basically saying, "Hey! Look how much money I can waste!"