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Vlog #43 - Toast Finally Called

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-26.



Oh wow man.. I hope for you both indeed that it'll turn out well. Stay strong.


Thank goodness he finally surfaced! It's nice to know that he seems to be in a safe prison, it would be a damn tragedy if somebody had been hurting him. Here's hoping things go as smoothly as can...and a big bravo for you, 2, contacting a lawyer and his folks, talking to his job too. You really took that on to make sure everything doesn't crumble as a result of this. Blessings to you both, it must be a special hell around there lately <3


you do the right thing bird great to hear you are not the only one to support him and whatever happens his live can and now will probabbly turn around for the best hang in there you both


At least you sound a little bit more hopeful now. I hope he's doing alright. Any word yet on what the charges are? Or is that something you guys want to keep private? Hang in there, and best of luck to you both.


I'm optimistic that everything will turn out right, 2. ^^ It's nice, that Toast got the chance to call, cause I can imagine how deranging this incident has been to you lately. Don't worry, everything will be fine soon, as the lawyer said. :>


All things considered, its good news and an improvement on the situation. Dont forget to hold on to hope yourself. You both have a lot of people rooting for you!

Tyro Thunderdrone

Fingers crossed dude. Just hang in there and hope for the best, do anything you

Tyro Thunderdrone

Fingers crossed dude. Just hang in there and hope for the best, do what you need to do.


I'm hoping for the best for him. After the last year he's had, he deserves to be able to enjoy his life for awhile.


I really do hope so. Even though we hadn't seen a lot of each other lately, I miss him.


Apparently there are no charges yet. A warrant was issued for him in California. So Colorado had to issue one to come get him for the other one. I guess once the other warrant is served (somehow... I don't know how it works), then that will have charges on it.


Well, someone had to have his back. I know if a situation like that ever happened to me, I'd want to know someone was out there looking out for me, you know?