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Vlog #42 - I Need a Hug

This has been a very interesting day.


Crimson Fhang

I am so sorry to hear this. If I was in Colorado I would come give you a hug and keep you company. I'm not really sure what to say other then we are here for you.


I've spent the last twenty minutes trying to figure out what to say. I know that saying "I would give you a hug if I could," doesn't really help much. All I can really say is that I count myself as being here for you if you need someone to talk to. God know's you've been there for me enough times, whether you knew about it or not.


Thanks, man. It's good to know folks are here for me while I try to send my mind back to reality.

Anthony Blanker

Nothing wrong with being clingy right now. Won't be able to give you that hug from across the ocean, but know there's people here for you to talk to if you need to, at least. And I hope you get over the shock soon.


Damn.. I'm afraid I can't offer you much more than moral support and virtual hugs but do know I'm very sorry to hear this. If you'd wish to talk or vent or just whatever, feel free to shoot me a message. I tend to hear that I'm a good listener :)


Not much to say from me except that you can always look me up on skype if you need some company, Ive got nothing but time on my hands tonight and youre well worth spending it on. Stay strong


Jesus. Not much to say to that. Wish I could hug you from Florida. Hell, it's safe to say that all of us want to give you a hug from our respective latitude & longitude. Wish I could offer more, Christ knows you've helped a lot of us, myself included, through some dark times. I will be free tonight on Skype, if you need to reach out.


I'm so sorry this is happening, 2. I honestly hope that things will be alright. I think it's okay to say that you have a lot of people that absolutely adore you. Not just for your work but also for the way you are even if its just strangers all across the globe that get a little glimpse into your live every now and then. All the hugs and love, stay strong. A lot of people have said it already but if you ever feel the need to talk to a stranger we're here for you!


Thank you. It really does mean a lot to me. I'll try to overcome this the best that I can.


I think the person who needs hugs more than I do right now is Toast. I feel so bad for him.


I'll try. I might bawk at you later tonight. Though I'm going to try making videos. It might keep my head occupied and away from these troubles.


I'll get over it, I know I will. I just have to focus on other things right now maybe.


If you need me to come out to be of help, just ask and I will be on my way ASAP. No question ask just say come to be with me.


Sir, if you need some one to talk to i and the rest of us are here. I hope this all pans out for Toast, and for you. Best of luck sir.


"This too shall pass." :)


I understand but some times having someone their who can and will wait with you means more then just words. I think of you as a friend. I will always be just a text and a bus ride away. I have a dry shoulder and an ear for your words. They will always be their for you no matter when and where. I will keep you in my deep thoughts. Don't keep all of your feeling to your share with those who are close to you and become stronger on the other side. A friend tell me this. We have 3 things that happens to us. 1 we are going into the storm, 2 in the middle of a storm and 3 coming out of the storm. People are waiting for you when the storm ends. Your friend, Dale Brooks


When chaos comes through our lives, it takes parts of us as it leaves. Recognizing and addressing it is critically important for resolving the issue, or enduring the results, thereby healing the wounds left in us by chaos. You mentioned feeling like you don't know what to do, but you have done a great thing here by communicating and expressing yourself. Even in just hearing your own words you gain new perspective, that will help bring you to calm. Continue doing things like this, things that at least confront the matter in some way or another, taking steps forward, rather than dull the sting of the cut. You spoke about having your feet in the past and your mind in the present; addressing the issue and seeking help is a sign that you also keep your eyes to the future. Best prayers to you and Toast, may the sunlight shine again soon


Jeez, life just keeps shoveling on a huge pile of suck. Don't worry about not being very good company for those who are able to be there for you. Those times in life when someone most needs people to keep them company, that's when the person is certainly not at one's best. We're all here for you, however you need, so just say the word. If it was possible I'd gladly be there to hang out and keep you company. *hugs* Please keep us posted as you find out more about what's going on.


Whatever you need, man, just say the word. Your fans love you, bird. Hang in there.


I'm sorry to hear about all this. I knew about Toast's new job since he posted about it on Facebook, but I wasn't aware of the other stuff. We'll always be here for you. *hug*


Yeah, it's terribly sad. He was just beginning to really enjoy his new life in Colorado, then this happened. :/


hey 2 just saw these and im sorry that this is going on life really knows how too kick ya in the nads dont it.


Sending good vibes your way bird.♡♡♡ *hugs* If you need someone to talk to (even tho this is a smig delayed) I'll listen. I can't count how many times you've gotten me through some really bad times in my life, I'm here to support you in one of yours if needed. Please take care and know that you have people out there watching you, caring for you and always wishing the best. ♡