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The Boss Show - May 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-18.



Holy crap, I think I saw exactly ONE chic-o-stik back in ye olden days of halloween. 13 autumns worth of trick or treating and I found a grand total of ONE. I don't even remember what it TASTED like. Then, couple years ago, I saw one on the grocery store candy rack. I STILL didn't remember what the thing tasted like. I merely sat it on my table to stare in awe at this ancient creature of myth. I'd honestly thought that candy was some kind of long-forgotten dream. But now I had PROOF. Alas, my time and finances are somewhat on the lean side to attend Anthrocon (Are non-furs even cool to attend? If so might be a potential future outing), so I shall have to remain with y'all in spirit for that time. Just imagine, I dunno, a little Tardigrade sitting on your shoulder as an intrigued observer. The experience will most likely be indiscernable from being legitimately in my company.


I'm really thankful for that old candy shop we have here. It's really cool! :) And of course non-furs can go to AnthroCon, and do every year! You don't have to be a furry to show up and party with them and have fun.


Cool, I am planning on being at AC. Please add me to the list. To save the price of mailing it to me. Please just hand it to me at Anthrocon. Thank you for your time, LFMouse


One idea for what you can do with the boss-show. At the end, after all updates and such, since its called the "boss show" and we are indeed your bosses as you so gleefully say, how about a challenge or similar? Let someone actualy tell you what to do! You could pick at choice or at random from comments to the previous boss-show. Thoughts?


Hmmm. That's not a bad idea, really. I like it! I think I'll announce that on the next show. More interaction between me and bosses on the show would be a good thing!


Count me in for the AC meetup. Unless some total bastard of scheduling happens between me and the 3 friends I might happen to see at cons, I should definitely be able to be there. As far ass the boss show goes, since it's a case of being a monthly meeting between 1 employee and his dozens and dozens of bosses who all don't know what he does most of the time and give vague directions at best, maybe you should wear a white button-down shirt with red tie that curls upwards like Dilbert. :P Seriously though, you could always use the boss show to run ideas past us for topics of rants and bird bawkses (I declare that to be the official plural form of bird bawks) or maybe some of your standup comedy bits that you're working on for future shows. That's all I can think of with my limited functioning brain cells.


Boss rant! Bring in a rant just for us!


Go with Randy!


Another idea for things you can do with the Boss Show (although on second thought it may also work for the Beercast) would be to have a "Break 2" segment, where people send in the funniest jokes, artwork, etc. they can create or find in an attempt to break you with laughing.