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Well folks, another glitch in the matrix here.

For whatever reason, Patreon isn't allowing me to edit my own posts. I have no idea if they're upgrading or doing maintenance or what. But it means that I can't go into my posts and take them out of preview status, so all you $1 patrons out there won't be able to see them in my stream here.

As soon as this is fixed, I'll release all the videos but until then, you'll have to check the Youtube channel for the newest videos.

I'm sorry for this inconvenience and I hope everything goes back to normal soon.


I found a round-about way to edit the posts. It's a little tricky and a pain in the butt, but it works. So, everything should be back to normal now. :)

-- 2 Gryphon



Please define "normal" within the context. :)