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Vlog #39 - Resorting to Voodoo

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-10.



Apple cider vinegar. That doesn't sound pleasant. That's how I get rust out of my gas tank. In all seriousness 2, we'll be fine without videos for awhile if that's what it comes down to. Please, don't make things worse just because you feel like you have to keep to a schedule.


get better 2 dont worry and yes you wana be productive think about it you can play games now and record em and do a commentary overlay when your voice is back up?


Luckily, I actually love the flavor of vinegar. This one caught be by surprise because it was a lot stronger than I expected. :)


I don't know what I'd talk about with a commentary that was added later. But it's a creative thought! I'll consider that.


The poem is supposed to be "I Ruined Your Face", not "I Ruined Your Voice"! I do have to wonder, would drinking just apple cider give the same benefit as the vinegar? Or does it have to be fermented into vinegar to bring out the acids and such? Either way, hopefully your full recovery is only a couple days away. Hang in there!


Apparently, it's supposed to be vinegar. Not only that, but unfiltered vinegar. It does have a kick to it!


Raw honey does have some natural antibiotics in it. Kind of like the moldy bread that penicillin. So do spider webs but I wouldn't suggest eating any of those. :)