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Vlog #37 - Silence May Be Golden

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-05-07.



Yes. You must rest the voice or it will take forever to heal. I can come out there and gag you. Oh, wait. You might enjoy that. :) Seriously, rest. It's what you need. Being sick really takes it out of a person.


I would suggest substituting sign language in your videos, but ASL requires more than one finger :P Seriously though, take a few days off from videos and just write out your ideas so you can get them polished up by the time you're able to speak easily again. BTW, since you mentioned youtube comments, I don't comment on them as often as I used to because of strange (or stupid) circumstances here. At my job we get a LOT of ass time in the office, so that's where I do the huge majority of my video watching. But then the company started cracking down on data usage because people would be streaming 3 or 4 movies a shift, so I have to download your videos from home and take them to work on a memory card to watch there on a video player. Since I'm not logged in to youtube when watching, I never think about posting comments to things when I get home. Lack of comments certainly doesn't mean lack of enjoyment to see your videos! [And I guarantee there are still lots of people in the furry fandom who would want to have sex with you. :P ]


Have you thought of going to a doctor? It might be something that needs more than rest

Anthony Blanker

2. Shut the hell up for a few days. :)


How many times have we said that the last few weeks?


A new bird bawks? Ooooo... topic hint please.


I have had throat problems from way back. There's not a lot than can be done right now except resting my voice.


It's my own fault for pushing myself to do videos even when I was starting to lose my voice. Now it's gone and I don't have any choice but to let it recover.