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Vlog #32 - Disappointing Day

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-04-28.



Damn 2.. You are like the furthest from a disappointment that can be found. I always consider you a very generous, genuine and modest bird. You always work extremely hard to do what it is you do best, entertaining and satisfying everyone. That's why I chose to be your boss, because I thoroughly enjoy not only the work you do but also because of what a great bird you is to talk to. <3 I gotta admit, I want a big fan of patreon for the longest time as I felt so many creators just jumped on the bandwagon for extra income. You however I feel is the first one I'm feeling really good about supporting!


2 you are not a disappointment period you bring so many people up ,hell your comedy and rants have saved my life on more than one occasion but i feel ya depression sucks hope you feel better soon ya space chicken XD.


No idea where you get the idea that you're disappointing people. Seriously, since you began you have done NOTHING but upping your game. You havent been doing this for even half a year, and yet a developer came to you with such an awesome offer. Feel better soon and remember that we all love ya!


I wanna start by saying thank you for all the effort and great laughs since you brought your channel back to life, 2. I can't say I know what you are going through, but I can at least relate on some level, feeling like one could be doing better for the sake of others, but isn't. For what it's worth, it has been loads of fun for me to be a subscriber and a patron, and I'm confident it will continue to be. Most importantly, I hope that you not only feel better soon, but also feel that the channel has been something you could call a success, because for us it has been a total pleasure! Much love!


you need to take care of yourself, that is priority number one.


Disappointment? Being sick is fine, but don't worry about disappointing us. We'll let you know if you're doing that. Meanwhile, just keep doing your best. That's all we want. Many healing hugs to you!


Yes. Being sick is generally a downer mentally as well as physically. Rest and kick the cold and you will start to feel better all around.


Yes. Being sick is generally a downer mentally as well as physically. Rest and kick the cold and you will start to feel better all around.


Stupid <enter>. You are supposed to add a line not submit the comment! Ah. <shift><enter>. How annoying. If you are sick and have not been out of the house, that means someone in the house brought it to you. Find them and take the neon pink pencil to them. :-)


Being sick is only good at bringing you down. Get well soon man!


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Crimson Fhang

Don't feel bad 2, we will never be disappointed in you. Get better and we look forward to you returning. ^_^

Anthony Blanker

If you were a disappointment, myself and all the above posters wouldn't be here to begin with. ^^ Make sure you get well before worrying about the videos too much, though. Think most of us would prefer a healthy bird over a Youtube-ly active one.


It's probably the cold affecting your self perceptions because you are not in any way a disappointment. All of us have a great deal of thanks to give you for giving us so much entertainment in your videos, rants, comedy and other appearances at conventions, your Beercasts, and everything. You give us something to look forward to every day. And above all, by being a friendly, fun, and accepting person talking to us through these videos, you give us what feels like a friend to hang out with, even if it's just a video rather than a live show or in person. The number of people who want to talk and hang out with you all the time and give the occasional hug should show you how not a disappointment you are. Just take things easy and get some rest, and you'll be good as new in no time. Thanks for all the stuff you do! *hugs*