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Vlog #31 - Out Of Gas

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-04-25.



Hope you feel better tomorrow.


Not much you can do when those days hits you really. Glad you're climbing out of the funk. The funk is not good for you and is also detrimental to the environement!


man i felt like this all day at work today i totaly feel you man.


that feeling really sucks


Bird, you've been pushing yourself hard ever since you started your patreon and video projects, and especially when you were able to quit your day job and do this full time. Look at it this way: for most full time jobs, the person only has to work it 8 hours a day, and then gets to go do other things, and they get the weekends off and vacation time. Sure, some jobs are four 10-hour days, and some have weekend overtime and such, but I'm talking about the typical full time job. Ya' gotta have some time for yourself whether it's sleeping, playing games just for fun, laughing yourself silly watching cartoons, tormenting the seniors at the mall who like to yell hippies off their lawn, or seeing what treasures you can find down the shower drain. So I say go ahead and take a BLAH day...you've earned it!


I think I've discovered the reason I was feeling so blah. I was catching a cold. It hit me in the face pretty good today.


Well, that totally sucks. Didn't you just recently get over a cold from the virus factories at the movie theater? I also recently got over one that I think I picked up from MCFC. I hope you're feeling better really soon :D