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Anyone else tired of being judged for enjoying things that are supposed to be "for children"? Because I'm pretty of sick of it. Want more videos like this? Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



Yeah that sort of shit pisses me off. I was worried about going to see zootopia by my self in case people thought i was a weirdo but I said fuck it and went to watch it anyway. Luckily enough the movie theater was surprisingly filled with adults and hardly any children witch was super cool and I really enjoyed the movie. I just hate how because of society i had already had it in my head before going to see the movie that every one would think i some "Freak" just because its an animated kids movie. People just like what they like, who cares if its for kids or anything else as long as its not hurting anyone no one should have the right to judge, but i geuss this is the world we live in and i don't see it getting better anytime soon.


Very well said! Why the hell should there be an age limit on when I can enjoy something that's entertaining? If children can enjoy action films, and I for one sure as shit watched the Schwarzenegger and James Bond films when I was a kid, then adults can enjoy watching cartoons. My dad lived to be 75 and he loved Looney Tunes and Tom & Jerry cartoons right up until the end, and that's not just because he had kids.


I'm sicks of this too. When I talked to people about good cartoons or anime, there always happen to be a person nearby, who says "Anime/cartoons are for children". First time, I heard that, I was pretty sure, that this guy never saw any anime, which is labled 18+. And actually there are (also in Zootopia) lots of things and jokes, that are meant for adults, because children don't understand them. I always call these movies 'for the whole family', because I really enjoy these movies too, even as an adult. :>


Agreed. People are too sensitive about this age grouping thing. People should just be allowed to like what they like without being judged! ....Unless they like murder or something. That's different. :)


Yep. Definitely gonna file this under "shit that needed to be said"! People are all too damn eager to judge you on what you like and it's 100% USDA-certified bullshit. Besides, do you know just how many innuendos are in some of the original Disney movies? Hell, some of them make you look subtle!