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The Boss Show - April 2016

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-04-19.



A steak? Thats all? Psht would be worse if you ordered a harem of hookers and a booze-fountain


Eat moar steak! Steak is one of the 1 essential food groups, and you can't survive if you don't have enough!


You're feeling guilty about a steak? Dude, steaky noms in the face far outweigh any flavor of McNoms in the face. It's freakin' steak! You deserve the tasty meat with flavor sauce dripping out of the face nom hole. And hopefully it was a good cut of meat and they prepared it right. Few things are more disappointing than ordering up a nice steak and having it turn out to be half fat and gristle and badly cooked.


Oh, and to answer your question, I have 3 of those black pepper grinders. I was looking for one with a removable top so I could put other things to grind in it, and eventually bought 3 just to find one that was reusable.


Crap...I hit enter to put a blank line and start a new paragraph, but I forgot Patreon is a bastard that way. Anyway, I love the idea of a 2's Patrons meet & greet/hang out sort of thing. Socializing is one of the hardest things for me to do so something like that would give me the chance to really push myself for meeting and talking to new people, and of course yak with you again. I'll be at AC this year and MFF (assuming I can get a hotel room since it sold out in milliseconds). The location will depend on how many people say they'll be there. Kinda like how the "Save Furnando's" get together went from small gathering in a hotel room to needing actual function space at the con because of how many showed up, you may find that very quickly your hotel room wouldn't be big enough. It could be pizza and cartoons, or something like a secret show format, or whatever seems best for everyone.


Well, I felt bad about it because I could have done something cheaper. They did prepare it well though! It was quite tasty.


You may have to break down and just get a grinder that you can refill whenever you want. I'm thinking of that myself.


Yeah, I'll have to get some idea of how many people want to come, then I can know what kind of place we'll need to be able to chill out.


I love my monthly boss show. Worth every penny. Even if I get insanely jealous of you guys that get Skype calls. Still, I'm extatic about how well the channel is doing. I need to do some catch up myself. Haven't watched them all yet. I did rather enjoy the Bird Bawk though. I need more common sense in my life.


I plan on doing a lot more of those in the future. Bird Bawks, I mean. Well... Boss Shows too. So, both! :)


I am doing all thats is with in my power to get to AC this year.


A patron meet and greet at AC would be amazing, I will be there and would love to hang out and have a chat