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Hello, bosses!

A bit of an update here. I'm going to be away on business starting tomorrow (Thursday) and returning on Monday. As to where I'm going... well, it's a bit of a secret for now. But you'll know by this weekend.

What does this mean for you?

Fortunately, a lot of things can be automated. The video releases and Twitter notices for the time I'll be gone are already uploaded and set to automatic release. So they should happen all by themselves.

However, Patreon itself doesn't have an automation function. Which means that while the new videos will release uninterrupted on Youtube, the Patreon releases and previews won't be happening. I am unsure if there will be a reliable internet connection where I'm going or if it's possible to update Patreon from a smart phone. I'm certainly going to give it a try. But, if you don't see any previews or local releases here on Patreon for the next few days, this is the reason. 

Once I return, I will post all the new videos here on Patreon and the previews will resume. Until that time, I humbly ask for your patience. I hope to be bringing back some fun video to share with you!

-- 2 Gryphon



Have a nice trip!


Enjoy your trip! Very curious what it might be!


If by any chance I happen to run into you by taking a trip to the same place over the next 4 days, hopefully we can split a pizza or something :D