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As promised, I'm going to deliver a finance report to you every month. I know this may seem a little bit personal to some of you, but since you are funding me, I believe you should at least have the option of knowing where your money is going. It's quite basic and not overly detailed, so you can view it, or not, at your discretion. You'll notice there is no mention of money spent on equipment (I.E. the 2 Sense cameras). That's because I'm waiting for this month's payment to come in and it will be the first thing I buy.

See you around the internets! :)



looks like mine actually. glad we are helping out


Looks pretty good! Nothing that looks too much out of the ordinary, I'd say. The "Large, anthropomorphic animal city" made me giggle XP


I'd like to make a recommendation. If you're experiencing ATM fees, move your money into a credit union. In my experience they have no ATM fees, and the credit union Co-op network (which most credit unions participate in) lets you get your money out of pretty much any credit union ATM nationwide with no fees. (Aren't you glad I didn't keep calling it an ATM machine? :P )