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I can never thank you all enough.


Vlog #23 - Sandwich

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-03-28.



Thank you for being you :)


My favorite is sour dough bread, emanthaler cheese, smoked Turkey, tomato, lettuce, pepper, mayo and french's mustard. Mmm mm. Have a good one 2, much love back at cha. ^^


I only wish I could put more. Alas there are a lot of people on Patron that I love and want them to keep doing what they are doing. But you 2; I think you are the one that puts the smile on my face and makes days feel better. So yeah that sandwich; you are more than welcome - may there always be plenty of nums for the bird. You are a part of our lives as well and for that we thank you. (Snow aka Yuki Fox on Youtube/G+)


That sounds delicious! I'm a fan of sandwiches. Well... I'm a fan of pretty much all noms in general. :)


I think what my patrons are doing for me already is too much. I owe them every bit of energy I put into what I do... and probably more.


DUDE! I love Boar's Head. They're so good! As always though, more than happy to be a patron of yours and I cannot wait to see you, when we will drink all of the drinks and nom all the noms and be very drunk and fat and happy.


I am so looking forward to gaming with you. Do you have a PS4 or XBone? I rarely get to play on those systems.


Not currently, all I have is my gaming PC and an old Nintendo Gamecube. I'm honestly not a fan of this generation of consoles.


2 never see providing videos and stuff for us as a burden see our aid as a inspiration if so. You do something we enjoy so we provide so you can do more of what we enjoy. but please don' t feel forced to create contend. If you need a day or 2 off no one will complain and those who do screw em. Stay yourself and stay true to yourself you are you wit hall the edges and corners .. if you`d be different you would`t be you the 2 anymore. Never doubt and always have fun 2