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Vlog #22 - New Rant Coming

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2016-03-26.


Crimson Fhang

I hear you on the whole Zootopia is for kids thing. I'm a 36 year old guy and I went to see Zootopia by myself on opening night and I was asked, in all honesty, if I was a pedo because why else would a grown man go to see a children's movie.


Zootopia looks pretty good and people are saying good things about it. And while I'll be waiting for the DVD/On demand, I can understand how a lot of furries seem to look up to it as a good example of what furry is without the bias that comes with - after all, gamers -myself included- reacted similarly to Wreck It Ralph. The Average Joe was saying "Wreck it Ralph was a good movie with some laughs and genuine feeling.".... Gamers were saying "THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MOVIE SINCE CITIZEN KANE". With this in mind though, to anyone who claims Zootopia is 'for kids', I say "name me one child who is going to be able to identify why the mafia boss has that weird mumbly voice without Wikipedia, or explain why sloths running the DMV is so damn funny.", much akin to my standby response to "Wreck it Ralph is a kid's movie!" (Yes, this is an actual thing) - "How many children do you know who played freaking TAPPER?"


In talking about things that are 'for kids' you can always hit on the studio '4kids' and their terrible, terrible 'kid friendly edits' to some anime they've done. Things like editing a cigarette into a lollipop, or editing a cigar out of a scene (but not the cigar smoke...) yeah, I never got the whole only for kids thing, so I just ignore it and go on about watching my Japanese Power Rangers every week.