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Ok, first question is, where should people send emails? The only current email address I know of is your dear2letters@hotmail.com account (and I could have sworn it was a Gmail account). Your Ranting-Gryphon.com website is still there, but do you still check the emails you get on that server? Second, you do a lot of voice impressions that would be great for a little VR sitcom. You have the surfer dude, gay German starship captain, Paul Lynde, sassy southern black mother/grandmother, angry German, and 7 the Snob Gryphon, to name a few. It would be a bit of work to write the script, record all the takes, and edit it all together, but you could do it. Third, you're sitting there using one of the most advanced VR systems in existence and say you have a problem with new technology? My Commodore 64 laughs 0s and 1s at the notion. At 300 baud. Across an analog land line. (BTW, for the life of me I can't get Discord to work, so it's not just you.) Oooh! Idea! With your VR chat setup you can make the world you're in look however you want, right? What if you were to dig into your old LSD scripts and start turning all the crazy things you talk about into not just an audio thing for people to listen to, but instead make it a full visual experience? And last, yes! Please always continue to be YOU! That patron you mentioned is so right. I may not agree with everything you say or rant about, and not every joke tickles the taint in the same way, but the whole reason I'm a patron is because you continue to just be yourself and have provided me with so much entertainment (as well as really good points to ponder) ever since the first day I heard any of your work.


Would love to be part of a VR party. hoping to get a custom model and headset soon.