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Greetings bosses and welcome to all the new bosses since last month! It's wonderful to have you!

Well, it took a couple of months to go from spastic, chaotic video moshing to something more organized, but I've finally pulled some order out of the turmoil. I've got a great handle on making the gaming videos, Boss Shows, Reading Your Comments and keeping the channel updated regularly.

What I DON'T quite have a handle on yet is the rants and when and how is the best way to make them. It's really difficult to release rants on a scheduled day because -- well, they have an inspired nature. Sometimes the inspiration to rant is there and sometimes it's not. So I think instead of setting a certain day to release a rant every week, I'll just create them as they come to me and release them when they're finished with the promise that I'll do my best to make at least 4 of them per month -- whatever days they may be released on.

A few things that are new:

For the $5 and up patrons, starting next month, I want to release more vlogs... as in, every day. I know not everyone will want to watch them all and that's fine, but they're only a few minutes long and I want to feel like I'm keeping you as up to date as I can. So expect daily progress, ideas and random thoughts coming soon.

I also want to do more of these text update posts for everyone... as in, one per week. So look for those soon as well. 

Next month is the time we're going to start setting up to get the 2 Sense Show going again, so I'll keep you all up to date on that. See you again soon!



I'd say you have the right idea on the rants. Quality is better than quantity any day. BTW, I've been making my annual run through your stuff on my play list and just got done with the rants, and I was laughing so hard I was almost swerving all over the road since I listen to them while driving. Almost through the Dear 2 letters right now. Keep up the awesome work!