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I apologize to those who didn't get a preview of this. It was literally a spontaneous thing that I did in the middle of the night last night.

This is kind of an experiment. So far, I've avoided them, but I want to see what happens if I play a brand new game that lots of other Youtubers are currently playing. I also want to see if I'd be any good at doing long play (1 hour +) videos.

If you have any feedback, toss it at me! :)



Firewatch is a new game from a new game studio! I thought I'd try a long play this time. Let me know what you think! Want more videos like this? Support me on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



I think you picked kind of the wrong game to run this experiment with. The game is fairly linear, so people generally won't watch it twice and are more likely to watch it on a channel they are familiar with. I've generally avoided watching Firewatch videos since I played the game myself, but I'd love to see how you react to it so there's that :)


I liked the longer video very much. :) This game is also getting you to talk more about yourself, which I like a lot personally. I played through the game already, and seeing you choose different dialogue choices is interesting seeing the other options. Sometimes quantity does beat quality, and I definitely prefer getting more of you then the 20 or so minutes I normally get. Overall, yes yes yes yes yes! Oh, play Spec Ops: The Line, please. Promise you'll enjoy it. I really do. Much love.


Alright, you got me, I'm hooked. Gotta see more of this!

Crimson Fhang

At first I wasn't too into it considering the mostly text based play, but the story. To be honest I saw the dog dying coming as soon as it was introduced but the rest of the story hit pretty good. After getting to the actual play, between the characters banter and your commentary I hardly believed it when the video was over. I rather enjoyed this longer video and look forward to seeing the rest of this game.


This reminds me so much of the one summer I went to the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. I had so much fun running around on the trails, climbing over rocks, and even jumped off a cliff in to the lake. Ever since I've wanted to live somewhere with mountains.


I tossed out this on youtube as well, but it bears mentioning again! I have watched 3 people play that first part, and youre the only one that didnt trust Delilah unconditionaly. Finaly!


Nope. I don't trust her at all. And the more I go into the game, the more I don't trust her. I'm really curious what's going on.


Well, if it's well received (and it seems to be), I will make more long plays now and then, when there's a game that fits a longer video format.


To be honest, as I was playing it, it seemed like it would have been frustrating to cut it off earlier. Games like this need longer run times to get immersed into the story.


That's pretty close to where I grew up. So you can imagine I spend a good chunk of my childhood in areas like that.


My wife and i have a theory that you are actually suffering through demntia and the entire game is merely escapism, as delilah lines up with a lot of how julie behaved.


That's one idea I've definitely considered. He could just be a guy wandering around in the woods, talking to no one!