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I always thought that whole Y2K scare was so stupid. People actually thought airplanes would fall from the sky and nukes would launch themselves, as if their systems would have been programmed to do such a thing if they thought the year was suddenly 1900. Since the scare started several years before 2000 hit, all people had to do was back up their files and then set the time and date on their computers (or nuke launch controls) to a minute before the rollover, and see what happens. They'd have quickly seen it was all much ado about not shit. You're right about that policy of be prepared but not worry. I've always tried to follow a policy like that: hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and don't worry until enough information has been gathered to show there's something to worry about. It's so pointless to worry over nothing. My mom does that, imagining the worst and worrying that what she fears is true almost to the point of nervous breakdown.