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I'm sorry I've been away. I have a lot to talk about.



I understand all to well, you aren't the only one. I try to avoid political as much as I can. I just need to remember the important people I care for are 1000% more important than the drama bs from our ( atm horrid it is ) government. The best way to just step away is not a "safe space", perhaps meditation or just even something to go to a walk in the woods ( if you can ) just listen to the birds, etc. It does help more than you may know.


Politics is never a fun time, I don't think anyone has ever stepped into the political arena without being fully aware that they are about to have a bad time. I'm actually impressed you've been holding up as well as you have as I'm aware you've been directly effected by extremists. I'm guessing it's probably difficult to try and step back from being so focused in that field but taking in the bigger picture will certainly help. There are plenty of good outside standing in the fires of politics and plenty of reasons why you shouldn't let those fires control you or how you feel. Balance it out, don't always search for the bad but make an active effort to seek out the good. Friends and family that you can count on are important during rough times. Your youtube subscribers and patrons are here for you too.


I noticed your absence, but assumed you were doing something else you enjoyed more. I know what you mean dude. It's awful. I don't know what to do anymore myself, but there are pockets of good, and growing.


A name is what you make of it. I turned Jamie (oh god the jokes that came with that one) and turned it into something that I can live with.