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MORNING ARCADE #61 - JUNE 15, 2018

TODAY'S GAME: Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon Puppy Love (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/



There have been a lot of games where you had to scurry around the screen collecting shit while avoiding enemies and hazards, but this one is rather unique in how you're controlling a soap bubble. Kind of interesting there. That's also very interesting how the first blood transfusion was in the 1600s. I first have to wonder how they did it considering there were no hypodermic needles back then, and second I have to wonder how they knew whether the donor and recipient were compatible blood types. I suppose when the patient's blood turns into cottage cheese, the know it won't work.