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Hello, you glorious, lovely bosses of mine!

Yes, yes, technically Spring started a little while back, but it sure didn't feel much like it. However, now we're getting into May. The warmer weather is here, the flowers are popping up and things are getting generally more pleasant. I'd like to be the first to wish you a Happy May here in the Patreon family and hope that you don't have allergies! :)

Those of you who get the Exclusive Patreon Cuts hear me say it all the time, but I need to stop neglecting saying it to you all. Without your wonderful support, I simply wouldn't be able to do what I do. I think about you guys literally all the time and I am so lucky and thankful to have you. You guys make me strive to do my very best as often as I can.

There are going to be some interesting games released this month and I'm also going to be ramping up Bird Bawks and social commentary even more. I hope you enjoy the content I'll be bringing you in May and, as always, if you have any comments or suggestions, I'm always at your disposal here on Patreon.

Happy May, everyone! I'll see you in the vids!

- 2 Gryphon



Happy spring to you too! And yes, finally it feels like spring here. Yesterday it got up to 82° outside with a gentle breeze (today it's in the upper 70s so far). I was able to open up all the windows on the house and let the fire in the wood stove die out, wash all my sheets and blankets and hang them up on the line so they get that great dried-on-the-line scent to them, and had the windows open all night long, too. And the smell of spring in the air is just amazing! It didn't smell like that two days ago, but now with everything budding and blooming the air smells so great. The toads and frogs in my swamp are loud and horny, and those tiny little biting black flies that are the size of gnats are out in swarms to provide that springtime skin-crawling feeling. The daffodils are in full bloom and the bug zapper is hung up and plugged in. To top it all off, I have a job interview today and another one tomorrow, so this week is looking up!


I know I don't say it as often as I should, but you comment on almost everything I do. And I read it every time. You're a comfort to me in ways that... well, no one else is, really. Don't ever think you're talking into a void. I'm listening.


I appreciate that, I really do! The reason I comment on almost all of your videos is because I want to show how much I enjoy and appreciate them, and you for making them. I feel comfort in the same way, being able to enjoy a fun video, enjoy all the humor you put into it, and see games I would most likely never get around to playing. Your videos are a great way to brighten up even the worst day. It's understandable that you can't reply to every comment I make, because I imagine you have hundreds to go through every day, and with your production schedule there simply isn't time to reply to all of them.


And Happy may to you as well my friend and i am so glad to support what you do i really enjoy all the videos you post Gaming , bird bawks and all and i really enjoy the morning arcade videos and now that i internet a home i get on my computer and jump right on to Youtube and get my morning going with the Bird and you do help us get through the day . @ you always bring a smile to this goofy ponys face so with that i say keep doing what you doing my friend you are just the best man oh and i hope that cold you had is better now well that about all i have to say rock on dude