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Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon Puppy Love (Sting) by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/



I've always loved those time when I can come home from work on Friday, take off all the clothes, and not have to put any back on until I leave for work on Monday. That has to be during the warmer summer months, of course, because otherwise the nights may get chilly enough to have to put on a sweatshirt when taking my dog for a walk, and it would have to be a weekend when I don't need to go anywhere.. There's nothing wrong with people being nude in front of their parents if they live with them if everyone's cool with it. There are naturist families where everyone is perfectly comfortable and used to going nude at home, and their kids grow up perfectly well adjusted (some studies indicate even more well adjusted than kids who grow up with body shame and fear about nudity). Yay for garlic! It may be pungent but that stuff taste great and has such a wonderful aroma in the right doses. It goes great in mashed potatoes, and in anything that's served with beef. Chicken cacciatore is so good with a lot of garlic. And garlic bread kicks so much ass and makes such great pizza bread. (That reminds me, I have to make up another batch of garlic butter.) Like ginger, there can be too much of a good thing, but of course that varies by personal preference. I do love fresh garlic but when I buy a bulb of it, I so often forget to use it it ends up going moldy before I can finish it. So, for convenience I just buy jars of minced garlic. My week (and month and year) has not been going well at all, but I'll leave it at that so I don't become the channel whiner. As far as things to hear in these Morning Arcade videos...well, we all love space. How about a daily news brief about something having to do with space, whether it's an astronomical discovery, some new research in astrophysics, something going on with NASA, advances in next-gen propulsion systems, and so on? It wouldn't have to be very long, just a brief summary about some current news article about a space related matter. Oh, and you keep asking for suggestions for the channel overall. Talking about garlic makes me think, what about your idea of making cooking videos? "Gourmet Birb Seed with 2 Gryphon", or something like that.