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I've been having some upsetting dreams lately. Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon Want the game? Get it here! http://store.steampowered.com/app/264710/Subnautica/



Yes, I've experienced that "hate bandwagon". Primarily it was back in grade school. Other kids hated me for no reason that I knew of, so their friends decided to hate me too. On at least one occasion, probably more, a new kid would join our class, make friends with those who hated me, and automatically start hating me even though we never had any interaction whatsoever. One in particular, who again I'd never had any interaction with, hit me in the head with a rock. It continued through high school, and then once I started college I really never saw it again....until certain individuals joined my department at work. One in particular apparently decided he hated me, and another who worked with him who was always a crabby bitch because he was going through a divorce jumped on the bandwagon to hate me, too. Then a third, who I'd always had a fairly positive work relationship with, but had become good friends with the first one because they played amateur league hockey together, started hating me too. They worked together to spin a web of lies that very nearly got me fired. It was only due to their lack of evidence and the great help from the guy I worked with poking holes in their story that HR didn't take things any further and didn't fire me. But for the next 10 months I lived in daily fear that I was going to be called into a meeting again and told to get my shit and get out. [I did get fired at that point, but because I screwed up and the CEO who knows next to nothing about our department processes wanted to get rid of me.] It's not just immaturity, but outright childishness. There's not so much sting when it's people you don't know, don't interact with, or feel neutral or negative about decide to hate you. But it's very understandable that it would sting greatly when people who were your friends for years or decades turn their backs on you, reject you, and start treating you with hate because they're afraid the association will bring hate on them. When I became a part of the furry fandom I found a home and a family with the furries, people who accepted me for who I am and never treated me with any hate. But it's absolutely shameful that the hate bandwagon has infiltrated the furry fandom and once-great friendships get torn apart by hate, hate that's usually rooted in rumors, assumptions, and lies. You may say to not let it break you, but that's easier said than done. Having a friend, especially a best friend, turn their back on you and start treating you with hate over something insignificant and/or false can break you as badly as being disowned by family who had previously professed to always love you. BTW, while that may be your real name, it's hard for me to think of you as anyone other than 2 Gryphon. But maybe that's because for me personally, I feel more identity with my furry name Skyfox than I ever did with my legal name. Whatever name you go by, you're still the same person, and if story time is supposed to be the real you more than other gaming videos, it's still the real you, all loveable and squishy, regardless of what name you use.