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We should go to the Aurora, but first, we need a Seamoth! Anatomy of 2 Gryphon T-shirt: https://artworktee.com/collections/premade-designs/products/anatomy-of-2-gryphon Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon Want the game? Get it here! http://store.steampowered.com/app/264710/Subnautica/



There have been a lot of times throughout my life that my first impressions (or assumptions) turned out to be wrong, or otherwise changed at a later age. One big one was how I viewed gay people and homosexuality. Due to my religious upbringing, social attitudes of the 1980s, and the environment all that made for me, I had, let's just say, very negative opinions about anyone that was GLBT. At the time it was fightin' words to call someone gay. That outlook was very strongly shaken when I found out that an uncle who I greatly admired was gay, and the friend who he was always with was actually his mate. I really didn't know what to think any more. That fortunately coincided with the time in my life when I was losing my religious beliefs and starting to think for myself, but it still took a long time for that to sink in, that someone I admired and loved was gay. Once I got into college and started using the newfangled internet and found chat rooms, I started making friends with a lot of people and some of them turned out to be gay or bi. Because by then I'd accepted my uncle and his orientation, it was a lot easier for me to accept those friends as they were, and being such great people helped cement the positive feelings so that I no longer felt anything negative towards the GLBT community (my acceptance of and friendship with gay people helped me have zero problems accepting transgendered people as that fact of life became more prominent). And by the time I went to my first furry con and saw same-sex couples showing affection for each other just the same as any opposite-sex couple, I felt very positively for them. On that same note, chatting with friends online also introduced me to the concept of the furry fandom. I had some misconceptions about what it was all about and what it meant to be a furry, but my first visit to a furry con completely cleared things up for me and showed me just how much of a furry I was all along. When I was a kid I was terrified to fly because a friend of mine described airsickness when he flew an airline, and I wanted nothing to do with puking. That negative association kept me from going up for an airplane ride with a friend of my dad when I had the chance. Then in my teens as I was climbing trees a lot and going all the way to the top to look out over the neighborhood, I wanted to get up higher, to see it all from above. That sparked an interest in flying, so I started reading books on aviation in the school library. It wasn't until about my second year in college that I took my first introductory flight lesson, and I was completely hooked. There was nothing scary about it and no sense of airsickness. The takeoff just felt like going up in an elevator. So, that early fear of flying turned into an absolute love of flying that I still have to this day (just need to get my own plane!). And finally, mustard. As a kid I hated mustard. Then a couple years ago at MCFC I tried the honey mustard they offered with the sweet potato french fries at the bar/restaurant and found it to be very good. I also knew the slight mustard taste in deviled eggs was damn good. So recently I've started trying regular mustard and honey mustard on things, and find I like it a lot. Another early impression changed!


About to meet my new boss next week. Thinking about how our first impressions of each other will change over the next year or so. Kingdom of The Spiders (1977) Classic William Shatner in those days. Riff Trax made a great spoof of the movie too.