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Vlog #104 - Give Me Ideas


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Daily bases...... Well I do daily wisdom word..... Else well just talk about wheather or stuff happening I know why not take one part of the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1vam%C3%A1l" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1vam%C3%A1l</a> Hávamál and say how we can implement it tody ^_^ Becourse Cattle die, kinsmen die you yourself die; One thing now that never dies the fame of a dead man’s deeds


The daily holiday thing sounds like a lot of fun! My Uncle comes over for diner every Wednesday. My parents would look up what holiday it is that day, and make a dinner themed after that day. Ice Cream Soda day was amazing. I would love to see your take on these, sometimes, strange days.


Random food for thought is always stimulating. Just some bit of philosophy or wisdom or questioning that kickstarts the brain, maybe even gets a debate going. The late, great Mr. Carlin was full of ideas on such, passing on a bit of his wisdom and your own thoughts on it would be interesting. Here's another one: 103 billion people have lived on earth, and half of them have died of malaria. So are we really the dominant species? Can world peace ever last, or does the human psyche require conflict in order to grow and adapt? If there is a higher power, and we don't know if there's only one, if they created us, if they're notice us, or if they give a shit, at what point does it become a mistake to call it "god"? At what point does it become a mistake to get its attention? At what point are we morally obligated to try and kill it? (Help me. I'm getting too far into this shit.)


I agree on happy (insert holiday day from somewhere in the world. Which is good as you have patrons from everywhere). You could possibly do a Q and A section where people ask you random things or bouts of information, wisdom or just general funnies. There could also be learn a new word of the day from somewhere in the world adding to a new vocabulary and help to expand understanding of communication.


Word of the Day sounds fun. You know me and words, though,s o take that with a truck of salt. I also would like to hear your thoughts on world news, and even maybe a stupid-news-articles-from-around-the-world mini-segment. Or even "2 reads hilariously badly translated shit!". An extra 2 smile a day keeps the SJW's at bay!


I have a few ideas. You know and have talked with many people. Some of these people have talents and skills that they work hard at. Some are Patreons of you. For an example I write. I enjoy writing. I have what I call “my thoughts” and have given copies to others. I have been on TV in 3 different states, in newspapers in 2 states as well as on radio shows. I have been on PA C-Span. Plus many other things. Take one of the things that I wrote and talk about it. Or take a drawing and hare your thought about it. Or have one of your Patreon interview you and put it on your channel. I hope this maybe of some help? Thank you for your time, Dale Brooks.


News and your opinion thereof would be neat, that's a big part of why many people started following you back in the day. Philosophy or psychology bits would be interesting. Like, I heard about a study of rats that showed when rats play fight, the bigger one needs to let the smaller one win 30% of the time or it will stop playing with the bigger rat. It shows how a sense of fair play exists for basic mammals, which says a lot about how many of us struggle with that, while it's natural for rats. QnA would be good a well. Here's a question to help out : What would your album of choice be if you were only allowed to listen to the same one ever again? Recommendations for YouTube channels, food, drinks, websites etc.would be something a lot of people would like. Or a thought of the day, some little quote that you briefly explain. Maybe talk about something in history. I love my history, and am always eager to hear new stories from the past. That's all I've got for now, hope this helped!


Oo, or maybe have a "look at my patrons" bit, and introduce and talk about one or your patrons. That'd be a good way of building your supporters tighter together and show how interesting some of them might be.


If there's nothing that would make for a good vlog every single day maybe you could split up your week. Monday you could respond to comments, Tuesday you would share your thoughts on recent news stories, Wednesday you might give us one of your favorite cooking recipes, and on Thursday you could show us all of the porn that you spanked it to all week long. Hell I don't know, I'm just saying that you don't have to limit yourself to one subject for every vlog.