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There will be a lot of people in life who think they know who you are better than you do. Never let them convince you that they do.



Well, you certainly did prove the naysayers wrong. I remember seeing the comment left by that guy who stopped being a patron because of that bottle. It's almost like he was just looking for an excuse to stop supporting you, the paranoid accusation came so fast. I don't know how someone can yank their support (not just financially) so quick, when we all should be here to help each other. That insane level of belief you're talking about is basically like the conspiracy theorists who are absolutely convinced, based on zero evidence and despite any evidence to the contrary, about things like the moon landing being a hoax, 9/11 being an inside job by the government, the illuminati running the world with shadow governments, the Earth being flat, or whatever other bullshit. It's almost like some sort of reverse psychology, where presenting them with facts that refute their beliefs pushes them in the opposite direction, toward their beliefs harder.


You’ve made a good point when it comes to belief. So much of what we do is dictated or colored by them. In some cases, they can be helpful, such as the faith in a higher power watching out for us, particularly when we are feeling lost, hopeless or alone. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, but the comfort from the belief is real, and that has an impact. But like anything else, it can be misused and misdirected to cause as much harm as it can bring comfort. When the claims about the bottle in that video came up, at one point even I felt concern about the risk of you having a drinking relapse. Thinking on it, I knew it was unlikely you had gone back to it, but those moments of doubt can be insidious. But without anything else to go on but an unfocused image of a suspect bottle, I had to choose to what I would give more credit, my doubt, or my belief that you genuinely wish to do better and didn’t relapse. And the worst part is, with lack of hard evidence or affirmation, we often fill in the blanks with our own assumptions and draw conclusions from them, and letting go of those assumptions is a monumental challenge. In many cases, we need to fill in those blanks to operate, as this isn’t a world of perfect information, but so many of us lack awareness that those assumptions may be wrong, and so may our conclusions. All this gets even more difficult when forced to prove a negative. As you said, even if you went your entire life not doing something, it wouldn’t convince someone who chose to believe it, and part of that is trying to prove that negative. All it would take is one mistake or misinterpreted expression and those holding those beliefs would be justified, while not having evidence would be brushed off as ‘he just hasn’t been caught yet.’ Heck, that logical problem is a key reason for the presumption of innocence in the US court system. I’m glad to see you continuing to make these vlogs, sharing your experiences, struggles and conclusions, because I think it gives others more perspective by which they may also learn and improve. Thank you for sharing, and I wish you the best, especially in the coming snow.