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Vlog #93 - Progress



You told us that you wanted our help when you were doing your sobriety blogs, so I hope I don't come off as an asshole...BUT, those three bottles under your better not be what I think they is! I don't like speaking for everyone, but I'd like to think that we all care about you very much, and we don't want to see you go through that again.


2, why are there three vodka bottles under your desk? I hate to make assumptions, but you already stopped drinking entirely long before you actually moved to where you live now. Are you going to tell us you brought old and empty vodka bottles with you all the way to your new house and are now using them to drink water? Because you realize how ridiculous that would sound, right? It's hard to tell if you've been drinking or not in this video (I'd have to watch some older videos and compare), so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. But I think I speak for everyone who's been supporting you through your sobriety period when I say that we'd like an explanation for those bottles. Don't forget, you promised us and yourself you wouldn't drink until at least 2018.

Russell Tuss

Indeed, I'm also curious to the reason for the bottles; they didn't appear to be full of coins (like the swear jars of old) ... and while moving is stressful for birds, you're moving, new home, new studio, new start. . . Why not come clean about the bottles...


Wow, 6 foot 4? The bird half of your gryphon character must be an ostrich instead of an eagle. :P Aside from the hip problems, you're looking great, 2! I love that upbeat personality.


I paused the video on one clear frame of the bottles under your desk, and was able to read the labels. There are indeed two vodka bottles there. 2, I sincerely hope you are not drinking again. I mean, two large bottles since you moved in? You made me a promise - you made ALL of us a promise - and I for one will be /severely/ disappointed in you if you're drinking again. I really, really hope this is just a misunderstanding. Please come back to us an tell us what's going on.


Almost two weeks later, you're really not going to address this?