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I wanted to write a quick post to thank all of you for your patience with me recently. I know you've noticed that over the last month, some perks haven't quite been consistent and I've been rather scarce in the messages here and through direct messages.

Due to all the moving as I've relocated my studio and my whole living space, it has been very difficult to keep up. I've tried my best and I'm happy that, for the most part, I've still delivered most of what I usually do. However, for the things I've missed, you guys have been very graceful and patient. And I can't thank you enough.

From this point, out, things will only progress forward. With the new studio, it will be possible to make more varied and frequent content that I hope you'll all be excited about. I know I am! So keep an eye here over the next few months at the new programming that will be coming.

As always, if you ever have comments or questions or just want to talk with me, you can always message me here. I love you guys! See you in the videos! :)

- 2 Gryphon



Take all the time you need to get the studio up and running again. I want you to remember to EAT and to get the rest your body wants. May you have peace and long life.


*New York accent* Fuggetaboutit! It's no big thing. Take your time, get settled in, order yourself a nice pizza, and nom. Tell your new mailman we said hi!


As long as we get a new house and new studio tour (with everything furnished) we'll call it even! If you start making 2 Sense again I'll consider it a bonus ;)