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A story about a very special an unusual friend of mine. GET THE GAME HERE: http://store.steampowered.com/app/361420/ASTRONEER/ Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



That was a great story! Such an awesome dream to not only be so realistic, but to turn into a lucid dream where you're aware you're in a dream and everything and everyone you see is being generated on the fly by your mind. I may have had dreams like that where there was somebody who I really liked who didn't actually exist, but I can't remember. Never had a character in a dream thanked me for dreaming their existence into being. And only twice ever have I had a lucid dream, and both times I woke up very shortly after I gained that conscious awareness that I was in a dream. The most recent one was a few months ago. When everything was crazy enough for me to realize it wasn't real and that I was in a dream, I immediately started to strip off my clothes because I was going to take full advantage of being able to walk around nude in the world without the slightest concern. But within about 30 seconds my arm twitched in real life, waking me up. Unfortunately I've always been kind of a light sleeper so it doesn't take much to wake me up.


Yeah, it was an interesting dream. I still miss Jamal though. I wonder if he'll ever come back and see me.


Try this: since you're consciously aware enough in your dreams sometimes to look around for him, try calling out to him to see if you can make your subconscious recreate him, or actively try to make him appear by sort of thinking him into existence in the dream.