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This is my last shot. And I don't think it would have happened without you guys.



Happy birthday, and congratulations on your success. The struggle to quit is not an easy one; it required tremendous strength and fortitude and is not an achievement to be taken lightly. Sadly, the struggle and temptation to return to the drink will always be there, but I wish you the very best and are thrilled to see you succeed. It's a good sign that others struggling with addiction can quit as well.


Happy birthday, older bird! Wow...your last shot, and you poured it on your crotch. That takes balls! I wish I could give you a big hug because you certainly deserve it. Huge congrats to you on making it this far and sticking to your goal, even if there was a hiccup in the plan along the way. We've already been seeing a big difference in you and your work because of how much energy you're showing all the time and the creativity in the humor you come up with. I predict you'll be a spitfire once again when you make your next rant. You said you were going to do it, and you did it! Can you tell us now what shows you're being booked for?


Happy birthday and most sincere of congratulations! There really isn't anything I can say that others haven't already said over the past 47+ days, but I'll say wishing you the best all the same. You've kicked alcohol's butt and now it's on to kicking life's butt.

Russell Tuss

Welcome to the next step. Keep checking with your doc, keep an eye out for symptoms of withdrawal. Check your medications. Check your supplements and nutrition intake. Watch your energy levels. Out of curiosity, how long did you actually plan on pouring out the last shot before you taped it like that? Here's to recovery. I'm really hoping you keep us updated on this, in the coming weeks. Jot down your thoughts. Make half-rants. Keep moving forward.


It's been quite the journey thus far already, but here we are. You've made it. Congratulations!