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The story of the origins of Story Time and where and why it came about. www.playstarbound.com Want to support me? Support me on Patron! https://www.patreon.com/RantingGryphon



I love your story time vids. Its nice to lisen to while driving, makes it feel like i got a friend beside me whos just chatting away. You could always do a secret show again. Like do a live stream but hide the date and time in one of your story time videos.


TUMBLE!! Missed him so much and gonna miss him even more!

Robert Seth

A toast! To tumble. May the rest of your days be peaceful and your stories forever live on.


I sure am going to miss Tumble and this game. This has been such a remarkable game! While the graphics and gameplay are quite simple, this game really speaks to me and moves me. Just the title alone--"Starbound"--gets me choked up because of what it represents: being bound for the stars, streaking through space at unimaginable speed, seeing beautiful and amazing new places, and meeting amazing new people. It speaks to a dream inside me, perhaps a dream inside all of us, to pursue that calling from the stars where we came from (as Carl Sagan said, we're made of star stuff). I may have mentioned all that before, and certainly I've mentioned the incredible music score that this game has. It will all be missed, but we can all look forward to the next game and the dreams it inspires, along with the stories that come with it. Maybe once in a while we can have an episode where we check back in on Tumble. It was a privilege for me to attend two of the secret shows. I can't remember if I knew it was going to happen or if I just happened to keep sticking around, maybe to ask a question after the charity show, and unwittingly found it. The secret show was great because it allowed all of us to be participants in it, not just faces in an audience, and allows all of us to open up and connect with each other. The third year for it the convention staff hustled us all out of the ballroom for some reason, and then the fourth year is when the chlorine thing happened. I don't think you've been back to MFF since, although every year I go back I hope to see you there. I have to wonder, why the hell would MFF take you and Kage off the stage? The huge long line of people waiting to get in certainly didn't indicate a lack of interest. That's what I look forward to at every con, ever since AC 2008 when you and Kage, followed by you two plus Jibba and Alexander Adams, kept me laughing for 4 hours until my face hurt. It's just not the same without you. Keep dreaming of the stars, Tumble!