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The Boss Show - May 2017



Heya 2! Glad to see you sort of back on your feet emotionally speaking even if not physically speaking (hope your foot starts behaving again BTW). Sounds like there's a ton of things to be looking forward to next month, so my wife and I are pretty excited about all of it, especially that you're doing another series with Featherhoof! We really enjoy both of your shows, so we're looking forward to seeing some more crossover content. Sorry to hear about how lonely life there can get sometimes, and I sort of get where you're coming from there. I'm sure pretty much all of your patrons would be happy to help whenever you're feeling lonely like that, so don't hesitate to let us know if you're feeling down or if there's something we can do to help (especially if it's at 2-3AM. I'm often at work bored around 2-3AM)


You mean you've never wanted to try out some alternate shaving methods? I know plenty of people who use Straight Razors sometimes and electric shavers others, so I don't see ants as out of the question just yet.


But wouldn't the ants be really good at helping with the smaller, hard to reach hairs?


Eyo, if you have med coverage, ask about Duexis for the foot, works well with the inflammation and has an added med to counteract indigestion and acid. Their is a caffeine component since it is larger dose Aleve, or their are always diuretics. Supposedly cherries help with future prevention and are useful if you feel a flare coming along. Look forward to future works, my friend; and hope we can come up with some interesting ideas.


Thanks, man. Yeah I'm feeling a bit better today. The only problem I'm dealing with right now is my foot. It's getting pretty bad. But, it'll get better soon. I just have to wait it out, then I should be back to normal birb. :)


Opportunity! Get a sharpie and draw on the foot!


I never shave with aunts because you'd be freaked out by the places they find hair to shave. Imagine Phyllis Diller rolling around, moving some flab, and saying, "Oops, I missed a spot. Could you get that for me, dear?" For the live show you could do it at about 11 Sunday morning. You could call it "Reverend 2's Great Giraffe Revival Hour". With beer, I imagine. :P Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better now, despite your foot turning into a zeppelin. I hope the symptoms don't last long. That does rather suck that you're completely alone for so long considering how social you are. If I ever had a trip that brought me to Colorado Springs, I'd definitely send you a note some time before to see if you'd like to get some chow and hang out for a bit.


Cant wait to see the rants, glad you are feeling better. Any way i can get a reminder on that time for the skype call. Its been a mouth or two so i forgot.


I've heard about cherry juice before. Also apple cider vinegar. Next time I'm seeing a doc, I'll ask about that medication.


Its been just slightly over a month, I think. How about we do it tomorrow? Around 6pm, your time? It'll be nice to catch up with what you've been doing. :)


Works for me sir


As long as I'm not sitting in a hole or doing some kind of course, I ought to be able to make my slot. But, if you had any places between 7-9 UK time any day of the week or month, that would better for me. Otherwise, I'll try to let you know beforehand if I cant make it. Keep up your awesomeness and always remember: Don't stick fireworks up your butt and light them. But if you ever do, please remember to film it. Your crispy read would make great entertainment! :) Breeeee