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Vlog #81 - Nature Sucks

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-05-07.



Glad you're finally better! Hope the storm doesn't give you a sudden unexpected house move though. Although if you ended up closer to here, that'd be great! I need a good friend to drink and chat with. Best well wishes from your British tankie. ^^


Very happy so see you back up on your talons. No pressure from the fluffy dergin here. I am always available for fluff dergin petting therapy duty if ya need it.

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2023-03-06 13:37:41 떳으니까 올리지~ 우효~
2017-05-08 23:24:53 Damn nature, you scary! Glad to see you healthy and energetic again. :)

Damn nature, you scary! Glad to see you healthy and energetic again. :)