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Vlog #80 - Nasty Bug

Uploaded by 2, The Ranting Gryphon on 2017-05-04.


Bo Törnros (aka Arin Hjorulfr)

Hope you feel good soon an maybe you should start living after 6-2-1 rule every day for to keep up health


Dude, you get sick way too often.


6 hours of sleep a day, Bo? Isn't that a bit low?


Jesus birb, you sound terrible. Take the couple days off and just relax with some tea and binge watch a TV show or two. Hope you feel better soon though

Robert Seth

Hope you get better 2. Try and take it easy.


Man, that sounds SO good right now. Don't worry though, I still have videos for you guys to watch while I'm down.


First of all, get well soon. Second of all, don't throw up. Cleaning it up sucks. Damn, bird, you really do look sick! Even your eyes appear swollen, which I don't recall seeing in past times you were sick. It seems there's something going around. I picked up the con crud after MCFC, and now this week Chubbs is missing work because he's sicker than shit. It's actually kind of surprising you do get sick so often since your job doesn't take you out in public every day. Anyway, I hope you're feeling better soon. Take care! *hugs*


That's probably why I get sick so often. I almost never leave the house. It weakens the immune system. And when you do go out, you have a better chance of catching something.


Being an honest dergin here, you look like shit! Rest up and take care of yourself. *offers fluffy dergin hugs*


Best wishes and thanks for the vlog, you ought to do more of them. Just spent a week living in a hole on the ground and getting shot at by pretend insurgents. Well fun though. Look forward to catching you up later in the month. Nom eats, drink hot things, partake of magical medicine pills and get well soon!