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Hey there,

Sorry for the delay, worked mostly on that new sequence (Wrong ingredients) now I am back to Office Prank and would like to ask if you're interested in more shrinking, instead of just growing?




I love the idea of both happening, perhaps even to the same girl. I personally love when someone who has an advantage suddenly shrinks smaller and loses it, only to then grow more again after and gain it back , but also having the other girl shrink while she grows would work too


I'm mostly here for growing

Jakken Haggar

Seconding this, Both rocks! Love what you have done in this story so far: first Natalie got smaller, then grew taller by accident. That’s so fun to read if you keep us guessing as what’s to happen next and it’s not just Character x always grows and Character y always shrinks. PS. Love the sizes here! Even while shrunk or now overgrown she ended up not too helpless small or too dominating big, so the quarrel keeps being interesting to watch.