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Hi everyone!

It was another long period of time I stayed inactive, I just want to say thank you for still being here.

Honestly I got into serious procrastination. Working alone day by day on drawing, after all these years it has stricken me hard. Also the IRL stuff has been keeping my mind to be somewhere else other than drawing. I felt it's very hard to focus whenever I tried to sit down and draw.

Recently I'd tried to be more careful with my mental state, avoiding burnout is one thing, I'm frequently being distracted by all the random stuff on Youtube, end up spending whole day without realizing. I'm going to heavily restrain myself from that, finger crossed. I've intentionally immersed myself in the art and drawing related stuff past few day, and I made a little progress.

I uploaded a portion of H&K manga to the folder, the same link. Please check the DM if you've already paid for the reward 【Sep 2023 Tier 3】.

I will update the reward folder again when other pages are finished!

Btw, I think I'm going to make this into a full manga!

I probably will take it to artist alley in a local convention. Hopefully I will get to know new people with common interest again. But firstly I will focus on finishing the original 5 pages I had been doing, after that I will complete the rest bit by bits (It's probably a long journey...)

Thank you all again for reading this, I appreciate your understanding!




最近我開始更加注意自己的心理狀態,避免倦怠是一方面,但我也經常被 YouTube 上的各種隨機內容分心,結果整天過去卻沒有意識到。我打算對此進行嚴格的自我約束,希望一切順利。過去幾天我有意識地讓自己沉浸在藝術和繪畫相關的事情上,並且取得了一些小小的進展。






加油! 希望能調整好心情在作畫 可能就比較開心了


navia/clorinde, black swan, sylphiette <- these are rewards for only fanbox?